Thursday, September 22

Ironicly enough

The perfecting ending to the best and worst day of the year. It was bad before 12 and it was bad after 12, but great in twain.

So it's a been only a day since I've posted. I notice that most don't talk this much on theirs. Oh well I like it alot.

This is going to be my last post for awhile I think. I need to concentrate on myself for a bit.

Svefn-G-Englar Sometimes I feel like a form without spirit. I think this hol is filled with my desperation.

Why stand when you can sit? - Winston Churchill

Wednesday, September 21

The Rising Sun

It's been the ruin of many poor boys, and god I know I'm one.

Ok so maybe it's been awhile or just a day since I posted last. But don't think for one second that you can get away with not commenting. I expect to see a comment from each and every two of you. Yes yes, I will need them before friday. Though I fear I will only get none. Oh mothers tell your sons, not to do what I have done. Then they will only end up at this institution with the same problems that I have. And we and all six of us know what problems I have. So maybe you don't know but that's between us. I wouldn't expect you to know what goes on in my head.

So life goes on I suppose. I guess I should say something to that effect. Oh why not? Everyone else is doing it. Well what ever you do with this info, be sure that it doesn't involve cutting down trees, cause man then I would just feel bad.

Every second we are alive, we are moving through time. I said that. So we could say that I am a time traveler. Along with all of you I suppose. that wasn't directed at you three.

So who here can say that they don't enjoy a good spinach salad?

But back to the point....hmmm. No need to worry I'm lost too. Oh right I wasn't saying anything. Well I do suppose that everyone sleeps sometime, and everyone includes the guy talking, so I'll talk to you guys later. Unless...there is anything you'd like to say? No? No one at all? Well ok then I suppose I'll see you all you tomorrow.

I wish you all intelligence, because luck runs out.

Tuesday, September 20


Come here,

I'm standing on the edge. I'm just loosed to a noose. it's no cause for concern. only the strong survive they say. only until...well maybe they're right. So let go, six feet under was my decision. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had, says gary joules. But I didn't believe that. I thought that the dreams in which I had control were the best I'd ever had. it's too hard to find it. I don't want to look anymore. Don't listen to this, this guy is rambling. So what are you waiting for? Jump in. Don't let me stop you. You don't need to read this to know . all both of you know. And so it is just like you said it would be, said TBS. Only those who don't know will question it.

We'll forget about it; right? isn't that what you said. Colder than that. Always colder. Eyes off. did I say that I long for.... my mind off. Iceage/heatwave, can't complain. Said MM. Again those of you who don't know can ask. Though I'm sure with the only two who read this. the rest can....well they can hopefully read it. And though we're feeling. It's you. have you ever wondered why you do? part you. Angels that dance will surprise you. Shakin; not stirrin. Excuse me? too busy? I understand. It gains the more it gives. Such boundless pleasure, just twenty seconds to comply. ok I know that one of you should know where some of that came from. I did incorporate my own, but you still may recognize some stuff. and even if you don't I never you liked you anyway. Breakdown. Ready to bury your father and your mother? Distance from one unto another. What would you care if you lost the other? why would you talk to me about it? It's these little thing that can pull you under, but why let them stop you; just keep going down. Don't let yourself be controlled by forces other than yourself. My lungs are collapsing. All I know is what I've said. Everything in its right place, right guys?

Sunday, September 18

Answers to what

ok so a naked blonde walks into a bar with poodle under one arm and a two foot salami under the other, the bar tender turns to her and says, "well I suppose you won't be needing a drink." the naked blonde says,

iceage, heatwave can't complain. If the worlds that large why should I remain?

why buy the cow when you can have the sex for free?

I'm I coming in ok? Can you hear what I'm saying?

well when in rome

Moonlight chasers

summer is over too soon.

Let's settle down and move where palm trees grow

If love is a labor I'll slave til the end

what is it about life?

summer dress, freshman potatoe salad, thrilling threating thrusdays, come on, this nonsense, it's garbage day, franklin delanor romanowski, let me go, be yourself, swing, laugh, play, kids, it's no cause for concern, red X's, music, tied to a noose, say what you mean, expressions, smile, movies, come lay with me, green eyes, hell or water high, friends, the power to believe, the sunset, conversation, any road you choose to run, everyone else, perception, breathing, relaxing, wide eyed, every 3 minutes, truth, why you, bowl of fruit, dreams, the other person, cellar door, driving, fireworks, singing to self, self discussion, ghosts, drinking water, over- whelming urges, saturday evenings, sometimes at night, the cuddling afterwards, opinions, taking active intrest, very special, ice cream, you see it don't you, only for you, hearing my screams, will never be like you, killing time, bored, stop it, thanks to you, overbearing people, listening, fucked in the head, please take me with you, admit it, moving on, 2:00 am, having it good, faces of those people, interactions, eating green, a dream I had, breaking the mold, pissing in the mainstream, people like you, think before you speak, being drunk, motherfuckers, standing all alone, the ones who say I do, freaks, water you can't drink, voluntary baldness, hidden agendas, only because of me, all over you, because I can, learning, the obvious, the corner of an eye, god bless you, time and time again, mis-interpretions, I could care less, the season, death, fear of living on, dreams coming true, the good o'l days, things that happen only at school, mister perfect, the salmon of capastrono, agree to disagree, the reaper, wind sun rain, take my hand, cow bells, strings, fear, being like they are, it depends on who I'm talking to, where were you, simplicity, sanctity, oysters, don't be afraid, higher power, things that should not be, well of course, queer, religion for the night, stories to tell, my world is spinning, generalization, more than a feeling, mean it, starting the day, seperate ways, thumping heart, reactions, machines, giving up, the waiting room, depression, smiling laughter, posers, only those who know, why, welcome, stay the fuck away, can't bare to see, smoke alarms, peeing upside down, antics, life goes on

well not that that wraps it up or anything but I think you got the jist; if you have any questions feel free to talk to me after class.

someone had a question earlier I think; hmmm was it, was it you? You there in the back, what was your question?

So I'm chasing these doves down the street, and she's screaming at the top of her lungs. And then when the magician comes back from Europe two of them turn brown, well I followed the instructions. - Cosmo Kramer

Saturday, September 17

Eyes off

And so it ends, as if I never existed.

so this has been awhile. to tell you the truth my real inspiration for this particular is the only person that reads my blog. She put one up today so I feel I sh0uld. But it has been a few days and I should for myself.

Anyway, I'm going to SuFu today and I think I may go tomorrow. I can't wait to eat at HuHot it's gonna be great. And wow was I drunk last night. A word to the foolish don't start taking shots after you've already had 22 beers.

So here we are again; oooo I started writing my journal entries for comp II and I thought it would be hard since I already have two other places where my thoughts go. But I'm liking it alot, I can be a kid about it and it's great. I can just write about any damn thing and it's great. I think I'm really starting to like this writting stuff.

I would like to say a prayer for the one who taught me to fly. I'm not soaring yet. You have to stay cause we need you. I love you. 6 feet down is not an option. You're going to be great I know you will. We need to stop wasting time, it's still simple we can do it, but we both just won't until it starts.

water is such a gift

There are strange things done in the midnight sun.

I need something. To change, to happen, I don't know what but something

Thursday, September 8


Why can't we dream forever?

Do I really look like this? Maybe this picture is how I really look. Which might not be so bad since the guy in this picture at least looks normal. She says it's me, and she's right. That's her shirt. Wow at first I didn't even recognize this dude, but now I think I like the picture. It still doesn't look like me [to me] but I like that I don't recognize him. It makes me feel like I can change.

Anyway I haven't posted in awhile. I quickly forgot how much I have to do in a day, especially when I wake up no later than 10 AM. That certainly puts a restraint on the rest of my day; but really who here doesn't like to sleep in. And I don't think that it is possible to waste ones life, as long your heart is in it. Not that what everyone does is good, but you get the idea. So I've asked this before but no one answered; how are you? The world may never know.

So close your eyes while mother sings of the wonderful sights that be