Sunday, October 9

I want to dance with you

All I can say is that this weekend was 16 tons

Don't tell me that none of you have ever been "that guy" at a party. Last night was my....third time I belive. I measure these things by your grace. This will be story for the watercooler, I can tell you that right now. We all have these stories coming from at least ONE time in our lives. So I think that it would be fair to say that I was blitzed this weekend.

I alone tempt you and I alone love you. In fact love's ridiculous. We spend all of our lives going out of our minds. Create and destroy Here's to those who stand up for love in spite of the hate. I've got a deathgrip on this vision, and I just need to move on. Just find my face and skip. I can't wait to find that person that wants to dance with me.

I couldn't take it anymore so I went back to the sea. Cause that's where fishes go when they get the sense to breath. Finally we can be together. Did you hear that? Devil's changing you already. To die? There will come a time. To tell you the truth I can see the sunset and I believe.


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