Monday, October 3

Think twice

Welcome D20.

This is for your eyes alone. I wrote this down once for no apparent reason (that I could think of) I only ask that you attempt to answer it. Actually I dreamt of it and felt very compelled to write it down. Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

x^n + y^n = z^n
where N is greater than 2

This message will self destruct in 6-8 months

Dreams are answers to questions we haven't yet figured out how to ask.

voices tell me I should carry on. But what do they know? All they ever do is make educated guess at the right moments. So you can just stop talking.


At Mon Oct 03, 01:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Dude, I need your phone number. I was entirely mistaken that it was in my phone, and apparently no one knows how to contact you. lam0rz.

about your dream-equation (note: i like this idea a whole lot), I need a little more information. What do you want to 'answer'? This is a curve, or rather, a set of curves in 3-space.

"Dreams are answers to questions we haven't yet figured out how to ask. "

If, however, that's the case, then what I really need to do is find the question, Douglas Adams style.

Get at me, brother, let me know what's going on in Madison and in life. From the feeling of your blog, I'd say you have some fascinating thoughts to spill.

my email address is .

I'm bookmarking your blog, so I'll be in from time to time.

Peace, and seriously, get at me,


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