Friday, January 13

To be jung again

With insomnia you never worry about falling asleep, you worry about waking up. Emotions flood you. It's easy to let them overtake you. In fact it can sometimes be blissful Always too afraid to be weak, too proud to be strong. Somehow we have to make our own way in this pre-decided world we are bred into. It would be much more simple to let it flow. Once a question is posed it stops you from going back the way you came. For years it seems to fit and for years it seems to be broken. And through the years we all still seem to remain quintessentially ourselves. How does this work? Are we all this, jung? The key is not to care what people say and instead realize that they are all just as much apart of you as you are of them. Some in passing while others can be remembered with that smile.

We will always find ways of convincing ourselves that what we are doing is right. Can it be said that the more we KNOW the more confused we become? Imagine what you'll KNOW tomorrow. To read, to realize again and again a greater greater mind. I think I am getting closer to understanding meditation. I wish I could ask questions. But maybe it's better this way. I think that the secrets of samahdi may only be obtainable through self progress. Perhaps none of it can be taught. It seems to make sense that only the person can obtain their own spiritual enlightenment. The help of others' guidence is only an expression to the self that they are on the correct or incorrect path. This is, of course, useful to begin; but to continue the person must be devoted to learning and open to experience. The clouds are too easily tampered with. To learn that the storm will only cause enough destruction to allow what is bold to grow. This is something that all are faced with. It comes with it an unnerving attitude. It is difficult for anyone to search for themselves. But, to me it is even more frightening to stay locked in to what others have shifted me into.

Odd that it is easier to stay locked in a problem than try different solutions.

I have been wanting to talk to you for so long that I have, through the years and the mind, created a socially exceptable method of accquiring your services. This has only recently occured to me.


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