Monday, April 17

The Rythm of Dream Time

I've had to meditate with palms on my face more often. To leave it to the womb of time only leaves confusion in it's wake. I've been trying to feel motivation. It's not that it's getting easy by any means, but maybe it's getting more convenient. I'm hastend by the idea that I may have to begin again from the beginning sooner that I had anticipated. I had hoped that I could pull the halo off myself. I may be more than just a little curious to see how it all falls. It's nice to know, at least, that I'll be there when it happens this time.

Imagine for a second all the people that have affected your life, and then imagine how many others they have impacted. If one connects with one who connects to another that connects to another, then how is it difficult to see how we are all one?

I can see how my dreams {de ja vu} are impacted by my waking life. But if I can become more lucid in reversing that again, I think I will have more to say. I am a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join, and the world will live as one.

As the walls come down and I look into your eyes the fears begin to fade. I find comfort in knowing that you are a person. I am too. I don't want the taste to subside. The emotions are there and will be waiting.

The easiest description I have to term with existentialism is to think of the weather as an entity. It engulfs the entire planet and yet still has 'individuality' within regions of space.

--Life's no ordeal if you come to terms with the idea that the only true knowldege is knowing that you know nothing. - Socrates


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