Does spacetime really effect us on a personal level? Am I seeing life through my eyes alone? Or is it a collection of thoughts and understandings based on the few generations that have been quaint enough to affect me?
The biggest mistake a person can make is to think that they are alive
My depression comes more easily and may leave just as swiftly. Perhaps it such that I am aware of things or ideas that I have little use for or difficulty applying to the life that I surround myself with. And because of this I am frustrated that I either am unwilling to accept and enable this paradigm of thinking or worse... I am incapable of it. This fear may be attributed to breaking the loosely fitting saftey net around me.
The idea that what I know [think, believe] to be true does, in a historical sense and for the vast majority, turns out to be untrue. Are we so conditioned in our daily lives by society, that we buy the idea that we cannot change things around us, or more simply change our selves. It is being done constantly. If you change your thoughts then your choices change if your choices change your life changes. Most, for some reason, feel that this needs to be done secretly, to avoid troubling others with matters of the self. Reality is seen, by the world at large, by experiences that others can share within possibility. Ergo if you kick a rock you feel it and that's real, but it's also an independent experience that one alone has singular emotions about that are unique. How can something be labeled as 'real' when the self that is determining it to be real is intangible? This answer can only be found within the infinite instance of another question. The brain only sees what it is 'programmed' to or has the ablity to see. Through conditioning of the mind by outside and inside forces condtion us to match patters within ourselves. In this sense there exists nothing outside of us that is independent of what is inside of us. The mind is capable of processing approximately 400 billion bits of information every second, this information is then broken down into what can only be described as the most self serving. Because it's the easiest thing to live with, we choose answers to questions to fit our bubble. We say yes to that job and to education because we are not taught how to dream so it seems ridiculous even when it something that people do inately. Perhaps ultimately it is other peoples reactions to us that make us who we are. And although sickening, this thought bares with it a sense of questioning in respect to the ideals of what make us who we are; not only as ourselves, but as a society.
Science is described [by scientist] as ever growing and a constantly changing philosophy. It is seen, in the eyes of the public, to be somewhat of a revelation for un answered questions. This is a cold and very belated description of the understanding or more hitherto the miss-understanding of the world around us. An interesting subscript of A.E.'s journal was, "nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it" This is demonstrated in countless socialistic circumstances. Because of our brash divinity within each generation, we do not accept things that are unruling to our everyday life.
Reality can be described in much the same fashion. There are those who believe that reality is complete without the instance of mankind or as I will come to call it...the fabric of mind. Which is to say that it encompasses every aspect of the mind and subsequently every instance of mind (the connection of everything). Still there are others that see reality [comprehension], in the sense of the term, as a possibility or exentsion of themsleves. If reality is complete than I am insignificant, and I cannot really change it, but if reality is my possibility, or the possibility of consciousness itself, then this reigns in the question of how can I can change it? In this way we are extending the image of ourselves into the fabric of mind. Which is to say that we are affecting the world we 'choose' to take part in. Everyone is effecting [creating] reality constantly. Everytime one looks at anything they have an emotional response to it, and within that moment that person makes a descision, conscious or unconscious , in determing what they choose too see. Heisenberg was quoted as saying that, "atoms are not things, they are only tendancys" With this in mind it may become easier to see that when you're not looking there exist waves of possibilities, when you do decide to look there is an experience or singularity brought upon by the conscious reasoning of ones mind.
Possibility of mind
If I were able to consciously create my day, taking the time to bare every conceivable possibility before embarking it. I would then be able to see them manifest in an unexplainable manner. And in so knowing that I had the power to overcome the ingnorance of myself, I would then be able to re-create my world and in a sense re-wire my mind. This instance is not only a possiblity of mind, it is one that happens constantly without knowledge. We tell ourselves what is possible and what is not. We convince ourselves that we have power over little else than what we say, which will also affect us and those around us in a much more profound manner than most deam possible.
Even more terryifying still is that this body, this pain...it's an illusion. But in spite of this, it should still remind us of our mortality.
"And I being poor have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams beneath your feet. Tread softly, for you tread on my dreams" - William Yeats
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