Classical Ending
Drifting memories of light and historical happiness pass the junction of imagination and dream. They linger only long enough to remind of any other day
The heat from the midnight sun clung to his out stretched arm. The sweat from his face melted him from the waist up. He was spending hours in a tumorulous trance that was unspeakable to anyone else. The shimmering white dashes drew, at 70 miles per hour, an arrow pointing to the horizon. It was as if chasing the sunset gave him the realization that it was just out-of-reach and always will be, although it does not stop him from trying every chance he gets. He can already tell that the conversations have a circular feel. It's as if he's been talking to different people on the same day for ages. Always the same topics always the same timed emotions. The relatively new experiences ahead do much to comfort his fore-thought, but even his conscious mind knows that though it may be a vacation like no other, he still takes himself on the journey. The daylight completely diminishes and leaves behind only red backward facing eyes to chase. They all might as well not exist, just as he does not exist in their minds.
The nearing infinitesimal amount of thoughts, ideas, and dreams mimic the collection of sand carved from the ocean floor and brought to the surface existing as everything else...apart of us. People wonder how something called unique can exist with others unique like it. A thing is only important for as long as people remember it.
Each grain held it's hand aloft to support the weight of bodies in the sun, as the four oceans of sky, earth, water, and people embrace and find harmony. The ocean air cooled and revitalized his senses, he was better prepared for the days ahead but changed. Thinking with different ideas and seemingly endless possibilities allowed him a temporary paradigm for the moment he had created. The different lives toyed and mocked his decisions and caused him to fear himself. Wondering how anyone would tolerate these actions in themselves, he decided he did not know enough about any one of them to judge them as only an untrained mind would. It saddens him, how pathetic he must be to ultimately know everyone without a single communicated gesture, but how else does he stay safe?
---To Be Continued---