Web of Dreams
Time is the fire in which we burn. Although it could be said that time is not simply the chariot on which the Reaper rides, but that it is more of a companion that comes with us on the journey reminding us of what we have accomplished or haven't. This is an interesting thought because it deomstrates that because something can be looked upon in several different ways it will always mean something different to someone else.
Teach me how to see your vision through my eyes. Maybe then I can finally connect with someone again. Let me know you and let me see the boundaries and cross over them. The world will always be spinning and the iris of my eye will always be shaking. I like to close my eyes, to forget tomorrow and remember now. Love for the people that will sit next to me and be themselves and let me be mine own self, if only for a day. All I ask is that we can look into ourselves and resonate there for a moment together. Don't care what people say, most people are so consumed by being apart of the group or to be what others consider "normal" that they will do anything to get there, even if it means giving up what makes them themselves. Society is by far the most unrelenting drug that most people want, and don't even understand that they are addicted to. Don't give up and loose that chance.
A person in a relationship should be remembered the way they were with you throughout the relationship, not by the last conversation that you had with them - Laou Ra Chard